Ergonomic Pillows

Shaped pillows to relieve discomfort for head, neck and shoulders

Sonata Tempur Pillow

The curved shape hugs your neck shoulders for cradling support, even when you turn from side to side throughout the night.

  • Small 61x40x9.5 cm
  • Medium 61x40x11 cm
  • Large 61x40x12.5 cm

Original Tempur Pillow

Helps align your spine when sleeping on your back or side. It conforms to your natural curvature to help neck and shoulder muscles relax fully to alleviate any discomfort.

Uniquely shaped to follow the natural curve of your body.

The ergonomic design helps align your spine for comforting head and neck support. To help you choose correctly, ladies generally find either a medium or large pillow suits them best, while men prefer a large or x-large pillow to ensure proper support.

The soft fabric cover is removable for washing at 60°C. Spares are also available to order, along with luxury 100% cottom pillow cases in 2 colours.

Millenium Pillow

Designed for sleepers that snore or wish to alleviate discomfort. This pillow tilts forward slightly to hug your neck and shoulders when you sleep on your side or back, offering pressure relieving support.

  • Large 54x32x12.5/7 cm
  • Medium 54x32x11/6 cm


TEMPUR® reageerib keha liigutuste peale alates pikali viskamise hetkest kuni ärkamiseni.

TEMPUR® materjal on suure tihedusega viskoelastne vaht, mis kohandub ideaalselt teie keha kujuga, kehakaalu ja temperatuuriga, et tagada teile öö läbi mugavust ja tuge.

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Kõik meie madratsid sisaldavad autentset TEMPUR® materjali, mis on välja töötatud NASA kosmose tehnoloogia abil ja mis kohandub teie kehaga siis, kui magate, pakkudes sellega kompromissitut mugavust ja tuge kogu öö vältel.

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